75 dag ziemniaków
2 drobno posiekane ząbki czosnku
3 łyżki posiekanej natki pietruszki
1 porcja majonezu
1 łyżka kaparów
sól do smaku
Ziemniaki ugotować w mundurkach. Ocedzić,
obrać ze skórki, dokładnie rozgnieść. Do ostudzonych ziemniaków dodać tuńczyka,
posiekane ząbki czosnku, natkę pietruszki, sól. Dobrze wymieszać. Ułożyć na
dużym półmisku i nadać rękoma kształt ryby. Posmarować majonezem, udekorować
kaparami, schłodzić w lodówce 30min i podawać.
Pesce finto - English Version -
75 grams of potatoes
25 grams of tuna canned in oil
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
3 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
1 serving of mayonnaise
1 tablespoon capers
salt to taste
Boil the potatoes in their skins. Strain, peel and mash them thoroughly. To cool potatoes add tuna, chopped cloves of garlic, parsley, salt. Mix well. Place in a large bowl and give to the pasta shaped like a fish. Spread mayonnaise, capers to decorate, refrigerate 30 minutes and serve.
Pesce finto - English Version -
75 grams of potatoes
25 grams of tuna canned in oil
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
3 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
1 serving of mayonnaise
1 tablespoon capers
salt to taste
Boil the potatoes in their skins. Strain, peel and mash them thoroughly. To cool potatoes add tuna, chopped cloves of garlic, parsley, salt. Mix well. Place in a large bowl and give to the pasta shaped like a fish. Spread mayonnaise, capers to decorate, refrigerate 30 minutes and serve.
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